Support AI News Brew
In the calm of dawn,
Support flows like gentle streams—
News brewed with your help.
We Want Objectivity and We Want It Now!
We want to be here for you, not for profit. We believe news should not be locked behind a paywall or littered with random advertisements.
Support is needed, however, to continue this service offering. By choosing to be a no ad platform, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to keep the printing press running.
Join us today, objectivity and access to news is something we need today and we cannot do it without you!
Support the Brew through Patreon
We are a small but scrappy team here at the Brew.
We are not affiliated with any ideology or promoting any political agenda. We are not here to convince you, but rather we are here to inform.
We have begun as seasoned technologists coming together with an idea to improve access to current events with objectivity in our shared narrative. We are building this product for you, in as much as we are building it for us.
Thank You for Your Support!
All funds received go directly towards supporting the development of AI News Brew, as well as the continued improvement and maintenance of the application.
We sincerely appreciate your support and dedication to advancing the future of news consumption. Together, let us create an extraordinary news experience with AI News Brew.
With each small gesture,
Our mission grows ever strong—
Grateful for your help.